You do judge a book by its cover!
Book designs and illustrations are one of my favorite things to do. Most of these are commissioned directly from the author. I love making authors’ dreams become a reality. Through sketches, tight drawings and final color designs the client knows exactly what they are getting. Front and back cover designs with title design and text are a separate graphic design fee. Your cover design files are delivered to you according to the publisher files specifications like Amazon KDP, Lulu Publishing, and others. Click most of the covers to buy a copy of the books. A lot of my completed book designs are available for sale on Amazon.
exPOSEd is a prophetic, revelatory manuscript that completely uncovers the many places where Satan has been hiding in plain sight, wreaking havoc in this generation. Click image to buy now!
Illustrated full 37-page children's book. Victor has been in and out of foster care and now lives in Safe Haven Children's Home with his brother and sister. Victor faces challenges and finds his worth through the help of the kindly Joseph. Buy on Amazon.
"Bailey's Skyway" by Chief Shepard
"Learning the Bible with Martin Luther: The Workbook for Luther's Small Catechism" by Peter Kucenski. Buy on Amazon.
"Learning the Bible with Martin Luther 2 - The Workbook for Luther's Small Catechism Classroom Edition" by Peter Kucenski
"A Valley of Shadows" by Jacqueline Edwards. Buy on Amazon.
"LightShift - Return of the Judges" by Inman B. Gwyn. Buy on Amazon.
"Takeover" by Jack Spanenberger. Buy on Amazon.
"Crispin and the Great Tree" by P.S. Naumann
"The Rock of Rintoul: The way up is the way down" by P.S. Naumann. Buy on Amazon.
"Ravens and Motorcycles" by P.S. Naumann. Buy on Amazon.
The Leopard of Tryce (The Agincroft Chronicles Book 3) by P.S Naumann. Buy on Amazon.
"The Night After Christmas" by Jim Chapman
"Theses on 95 Sexdecillion Indulgences with Flirts & Spices" by Ph.D Dennis J. Martin. Buy on Amazon.
"Planet Storyland" by James Sherwood Metts
"If the Shoe Fits, Go Barefoot" by Sofia Wellman. Buy on Amazon.
"The Writer's Workplace" by Sandra Scarry and John Scarry
Breeders' Cup 2007 program cover
"Ruby's Fire" by Catherine Stine
"FireSeed One" by Catherine Stine
"Eternal Friendships" by Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
"The Dunk'N Divaz - Confessions of a Tween Superherione" by J.M. Guy. Buy on Amazon.